Is a path of humility, ignorance, and patience that must lead to the unknown.
Juggling and Acrobatics are my main tools during the shows, I can perform outdoor or indoor and adapt my performance nearly to any kind of stage and location setup.
From street shows to corporate events, private parties, and public events, my act features a variety of different kinds of juggling performances, humour, acrobatics, audience interaction, and participation. I have been managing a performance agency for 4 years in Beijing organising local corporate and promotional events from the artist scouting to the concept creation and delivery of the performance.
And much more…
What I found amazing is the huge amount of tools we have built as a society in order to finally find a balance place in the environment we live in, everyone should just put himself to work and go for it.
If for one is impossible to do everything, it might be also true that “everything can be done by everyone” 😉
Anything can be design and everything in some way or another is designed in order to work in a certain way.
What is design about?
Efficiency – effectiveness
Efficiency – how much energy does a process (an action) require
Effectiveness – how much of this energy get lost during the process/action
Following my work on education, I have been looking for sustainable design solutions: the most for relevant areas are food, energy, mobility and health; I selected one idea for each and I am currently working on them.
“Shape define function”
4 Key-Design Areas for a sustainable future
Interior Design
“Civilization is maintenance”
This quote is from my grandpa, I learned from him the importance of the basics skills that are needed for keep the surrounding environment in good shape. I also discovered how much maintenance is linked to design and evolution. It is not only about keeping things as they are but also being able to make changes and improvement if needed.
Art is boundless, design is bounded to function therefore maintenance is a matter of design and need to be addressed as a design challenge.
I have done most of my practice in-house maintenance. Here are some of the result of my work:

E-Bay shop coming soon….

Mobility: Restoring and upgrading Bikes
As you can guess from the homepage, facing a way to improve my way of transport, I found a very common solution: cycling. Bikes are very effective but we are overproducing them, and the bike market is constantly producing new copies of old solution with low quality which is not lasting for long. While a few companies are really doing a good job in research and development, many other big distributors are running to cutting cost in order to be more competitive and are polluting both the market and the environment with the low-quality product.
To face this issue and considering that a bike well maintained should last a lifetime, I started to restore and resell old bikes. Few parts decay with time and a bike from the 60s can be a lot more durable that contemporary similar model.
Quality stuff always wins!

is near the lake of Orta in Italy, here I restore old bikes and bring them to a new life if you want to see my catalogue of by bike for sale visit my Ebay Page (currently under construction)
RCP Bike workshop